Salmon music cabinet

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Now this is a piece worth singing for!
Remind me next time to take a before photo? It is one of my worst habits as a painter... I suppose it's because I get so excited to start a project that I can't help but dive right in before thinking twice. But who really cares about the before any way, right? The after is way more fun! ;)
This darling antique music cabinet posed as certainly an interesting transformation. My radar has been out to find one for quite some time so despite it's imperfections, I decided to go for it! The previous owner started to refinish it by stripping off the textured lacquered finish on the top. It appeared as though they then put a red stain over it and then gave up on ever finishing the project because the rest of the body still had the rigid texture.
Instead of stripping the remainder of the lacquer off, I kept it and hoped it would add to it's charm once the milk paint was applied (which I think it did, especially once it was distressed). I started with Miss Mustard Seed Luckett's Green.... which did. not. work. It is such a lovely shade of green, but putting it over the top of a red wood, with some sort of red stain wasn't happenin. The colors melded together too much to the point where the green didn't quite look green anymore. So that plan got scrapped and I went ahead with a color with a reddish pigment already in it, Apron Strings. Hands down, this is one of my favorite Miss Mustard Seed colors to paint with. I love love the color variation you get with it. Sometimes it turns out peachy and others it looks more pinky. It is just such an energetic color that speaks volumes, even on smaller pieces such as this one.
The drawer is painted in MMS Linen and after much debate on which knobs to use, seriously...had 6 people's opinions hard at work deciding between two different options, and ended up going in a completely new direction (thanks to my mama's helpful input, glad that dilemma was solved!). None of us could resist these classic vintage knobs, it was just meant to be!

I could see this cabinet used in an entryway to hold keys, mail, odds and ends. OR it would be a  useful place to store scrapbook paper for the crafter's at heart. OR for linen storage in a small bathroom. Ok, one more. How about a unique bedside table? Set a lamp on it and tuck away your books inside and call it good :)
What have you painted lately?
Do you have a favorite Miss Mustard Seed color?
I'd love to hear some of your experiences or feedback with milk paint!
Have a fantastic weekend, friends!

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